On May 25, 2021, the 61st International Scientific Conference, Student Scientific International Conference (ŠVOČ), organized by the Technical University in Zvolen (Slovakia), took place remotely. As part of the conference and the evaluation of the speeches by a specially appointed committee, 3 presentations of our Students were awarded and awarded:
in the doctoral section: award for 2nd place – MSc. Aneta Gumowska; presentation title: The quality of the wood bonding depending on the method of applying the selected thermoplastic biopolymers.
in the technological and technical section: award for 1st place – Eng. Anita Wronka (Scientific Circle of Furniture Industry); presentation title: Influence of non-forest raw material properties on selected features of particleboards. 2nd prize – Aleksandra Jeżo (Scientific Circle of Furniture); presentation title: Possibilities of using waste orchard biomass in the wood-composites industry on the example of apple wood.
The scientific supervisor of all the above-mentioned awarded works is dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Kowaluk, professor of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Congratulations! It is an excellent example of the positive impact of research and development on the effects of education and individual development of people studying at the Faculty of Wood Technology under the supervision of the staff of the Institute of Wood Sciences and Furniture.